Having mostly completed the Necron-themed board now, I've moved on to assembling an Eldar-themed board next. This one will probably be used mostly with lots of jungle foliage, so it can be used to represent one of the Maiden Worlds of the Eldar - a verdant green paradise, spotted with the distinctive organic shapes of the exodite buildings. At least, that's the plan....
3D print files available:
▲ This is the first building to get printed and painted up - inspired by a warrior shrine of the aerial Swooping Hawks. I particularly like the small footprint at ground level, and the fact that it's inaccessible to anybody who can't fly!
3D print files available:
▲ Very interesting shape on this shrine, reminiscent of an eldar's helmet. The 3 platforms on the side are parking spots for jetbikes. Love it!
3D print files available:
▲ Big enough to land a falcon tank on, this one!
▲ Group photo of the first 3 buildings, on our growing "Exodite world" board...