From time to time I browse the latest games and models available on Kickstarter, and I recently spotted what seemed to be a very good deal on a 3D printer - just $99 !! So I pledged my money, and now I'm eagerly awaiting delivery in a couple of months...
I plan to use this printer mainly for wargaming terrain and maybe some vehicles too!
3D printing has come a long way in recent years, and printing tons of terrain for very low cost seems a bit of a no-brainer. So here are some of the lists I've got queued up for printing this autumn. Please take a look (click on the pics to see the full lists), and let me know if you'd like any of that stuff too!
A variety of stuff that might be useful for gaming and modelling... rulers, tokens, objective markers, damage counters etc.
There is literally TONS of stuff out there that people have modelled and made available for free! I can't wait...
... in fact I'm SO excited by the possibilities that I've decided to try modelling and printing my own designs for sci-fi and fantasy buildings. Here's a first basic design I came up with - a simple eldar pathway! What do you think?