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Dark Omen game ダークオーメンのゲームしよう

by David on 2015-11-26 (Thu) 16:22PM

I recently pulled this old 1998 game off my dusty shelf, and had a look around to see if it was possible to get it working on current computers. It seems that Dark Omen is still quite well supported by fans, and www.dark-omen.org is the place to go for full installation instructions and forums etc.  So here's a brief introduction for those wanting to scratch that Warhammer itch....


1998年にリリースされたPCゲーム「Dark Omen」を紹介します。現在の一般的なパソコンでもプレイできるそうですので、インストールはいかがでしょうか?


Dark Omen is a fairly accurate conversion of the tabletop Warhammer game, where you play the leader of a human mercenary army exploring various parts of the Empire. Along the way, you get to fight battles against greenskins and plenty of undead armies, while building up your forces. The game has a very atmospheric vibe to it, with some cool video-ish scenes and chatter between the various characters you meet.




The picture above shows a screenshot of the first battle, against goblins. Mouse controls allow you zoom around the battlefield and view the real-time fight from all angles. Units generally do what you'd expect, by clicking on their unit banner and telling them to shoot at enemy units or charge towards them. After a few battles you start to pick up new units including dwarfs, firewizards, and my personal favourite - the steam tank!




You get to travel all over the Empire, from deep forests to icy Kislev, via spooky Sylvania.


戦場は色々あります - エンパイヤーの森、キスレヴの山、そして怖いシルバニア。


After each game you get to replenish your units' casualties, unless of course the whole unit was destroyed during the game.




The game also has this colourful introduction to each of the units, and plenty of opportunities to save your progress.










So, you're convinced to give it a try, yes? Great. The files you'll need are on the download page, and the instructions are below.


1. Save all 4 files (1 PDF, 3 ZIP files). You may need to copy the contents of the large ZIP file to a CD, to get the game to play properly.


2. Open the large ZIP file, and install the game by double-clicking the SETUP.exe file.


3. Once the game is installed, DO NOT RUN IT YET! A couple of extra files need to be installed for the game to work on modern computers (mine is Windows7).


4. Open the ZIP file containing the DLL file, and manually copy that file to the "DarkOmen-DirectoryPRG_ENG" directory of wherever you just installed the game.


5. Open the crashfix ZIP file, and copy that file to anywhere inside the directory where you just installed the game. Double click the file - this sets the graphics options for the game which will hopefully work on your PC. Basicall, this will turn off the coloured cursor and set the processor to "CPU" instead of the buggy "3D".


6. Finally, to run the game, open the installed folder "PRG_ENG" and right click the "EngRel.exe" file. You should select to "run the game as Administrator", or it won't work. You might like to add a desktop shortcut for next time. That's it - I promise it will be worth it!






1. 4つのファイルをダウンロードします。622MBのZIPファイルの内容をCDにコピーするのがおすすめします。


2. まずは大きいZIPファイルを開きます。「SETUP.exe」のファイルからインストールされます。


3. インストールができたら、まだ実行しないでね!これは大事です!Windows7などのパソコンでプレイするにはグラフィック関係の追加ファイルが必要です。


4. 「DLL」が入っているZIPファイルを開きます。そのDLLファイルをインストールされたフォルダーの「DarkOmen-DirectoryPRG_ENG」の中にコピーします。


5. 最後のZIPファイルを開きます。そのファイルも同じフォルダーにコピーして、ダブルクリックで実行します。このファイルはゲーム中のグラフィック設定を先に変更します。ご注意ください:ゲーム中のカーソルを「Color」(色つき)に変更するとクラッシュする場合もあります。お勧めしません。


6. ゲームを実行するには、「PRG_ENG」フォルダーにある「EngRel.exe」ファイルを右クリックします。メニューから「管理者として実行(A)」を選びます。それでプレイできるはずです! Have fun!!

